
Unitarian Universalist Meetinghouse

Springfield, Vermont

Unitarian Universalist Meetinghouse

21 Fairground Rd

Springfield, Vermont 05156

Services 10am - 11am

In person and on Zoom

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 613 077 9853


Sept 15, 2024

Everything is energy … and energy is EVERYTHING

with Jo Bregnard 

Explore the force that unites all of us with the natural world around us, and discover some simple ways to enhance your own energy.






Our Affirmation:
Love is the doctrine of this church
The quest for truth is its sacrament
And service is its prayer
To dwell together in peace
To seek knowledge in freedom
To serve the needs of all beings
To the end that all souls shall
Grow into harmony with the Divine
Thus do we covenant with each other
And with the source of our being

News and Info

Reservations are not needed

Questions? Please send us an email or call or call 802-885-3327

A great article on Barbara Lloyd

"Amid a flood of bad news, a 90-year-old Vermonter finds reason to sing"

Click link below

Members, friends and visitors who have found meaning in our services and programs are invited to make a one-time or recurring donation to the Meetinghouse. 

Please send checks to:

UU Church

PO Box 944

Springfield, VT 05156

Click below to donate online:


Our Services are each Sunday starting the second Sunday in September until mid-June, with two services in July and two in August.

Services: 10am to 11am

Coffee Hour: 11am - Noon

Share the Plate for September

Our Share the Plate funds for September will go to the Vermont Community Foundation, Flood Relief and Recovery Fund.

We marked the one-year anniversary of historic floods in July 2023. Simultaneously, on July 10th and 11th, flash floods ripped through Central and Northeast Vermont, causing massive destruction to our communities once again.

In response, the Vermont Community Foundation immediately renewed its flood relief and response efforts.

This ongoing work includes rapid response grants for some of the hardest-hit towns, as well as support for statewide and regional service providers helping people clean up and recover.

2nd & 4th Thursdays
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
On Zoom:

A Zoom group for folks who like to play with color, drawing, reinventing objects, & general creating. There might be laughter, daring & surprises. Have paper, colored pencils or crayons or your favorite medium ready. Interest & questions? Contact; Toni Streeter, Ann Marie &/or Ti Knoepfel. Or email

Church Administrator - June Brink 

Collector - Ellen Allman

Board of Trustees

Bill Brink - President

Bob Allman- Vice President

Dick Andrews - Treasurer

Becky Tucker - Clerk

At large: Tina Feindel, Toni Streeter, Pat Callahan

Unitarian Universalist Meetinghouse
21 Fairground Rd
Springfield, VT 05156


Mailing address: P.O.Box 944 Springfield, VT 05156
